Congratulations on the successful Better Living Showcase held from 18 – 19 March 2023. Its success shows the impressive resilience from Western Australian organisations as we emerge from the shadow of the global pandemic.
I understand that participants were treated to a variety of speakers, demonstrations and events on innovative health and wellbeing options in Western Australia. The two days were a dynamic way for people of all ages to learn more about the products and services available to support their wellbeing, be it their mental and physical health, social connections or financial independence. It was also an excellent opportunity for businesses and service providers to showcase their products. I have no doubt many partnerships and connections were created during the two days.
My Government is committed to supporting the wellbeing of all Western Australians. In support of older people, our Age-friendly Communities program enables seniors to maintain their participation in, and contribution to, the community, including initiatives that address social isolation and those fostering intergenerational interaction. Western Australia was the first Australian Affiliate member of the World Health Organisation's Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities and is internationally recognised for its leadership.
A 10-year Strategy to respond to the abuse of older people aims to prevent and respond to elder abuse throughout Western Australia, and the State Government funds a variety of legal, support and advocacy services for this purpose. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is commemorated on 15 June each year. On this day people are encouraged to make a united stand against all forms of abuse against older people in our global communities.
Other State Government initiatives for seniors include the WA Seniors Card, which provides members with an average of $650 in total value each year, and more if seniors also hold a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card or Pensioner Concession Card. The cost of living rebate and the safety and security rebate assist with cost of living expenses.
The State Government is also developing the first WA Seniors Strategy to guide whole of community actions that are responsive to older people’s wants, needs and aspirations, and make Western Australia a place where seniors can live their best life.
All the above programs, and more, show the commitment my Government has to the health and wellbeing of our community, enabling Western Australians to live happy and fulfilling lives. Further information can be found on the Department of Communities website at:
I would like to thank Gloria Zhang, founder of the Better Living Showcase, for her commitment to the health, wealth and happiness of Western Australians in creating this excellent initiative. I wish the organising team well in planning for the next Showcase.